Friday, May 6, 2016


In ancient Greece, Socrates was reputed to hold knowledge in high esteem.

One day an acquaintance met the great philosopher and said, “Do you know what I just heard about your friend?”

“Hold on a minute,” Socrates replied. “Before you talk to me about my friend, it might be good idea to take a moment and filter what you’re going to say. That’s why I call it the triple filter test. The first filter is Truth. Have you made absolutely sure that what you are about to tell me is true?”

“Well, no,” the man said, “actually I just heard about it and…”

“All right,” said Socrates. “So you don’t really know if it’s true or not. Now, let’s try the second filter, the filter of Goodness. Is what you are about to tell me about my friend something good?”

“Umm, no, on the contrary…”

“So,” Socrates continued, “you want to tell me something bad about my friend, but you’re not certain it’s true. You may still pass the test though, because there’s one filter left—the filter of Usefulness. Is what you want to tell me about my friend going to be useful to me?”

“No, not really.” “Well,” concluded Socrates, “if what you want to tell me is neither true, nor good, nor even useful, why tell it to me at all?”

Finally apply these Triple-Filter for Gossips before believing it.
  1. Is it True / False statement..?
  2. Is it Good / Bad about that person..?
  3. Is it useful to me or not..??

Bhargava S. Yadhupathi
Scientific Vastu Consultant & Astrologer

Friday, March 4, 2016


Design Your Entrance for Peace and Prosperity of the Family

The Main Door is the index of the quality of the good vibrations of the house and it is a ‘Gateway to Success’. Entrance of a house explains everything because this is the gateway from which energies constantly goes in and out. This important gate should be maintained with utmost care. All the negative and positive energies surround here and which is why is important to locate main gate in proper direction to maintain well-being and prosperity in house. Main door should be beautiful, clean and obstruction free from both outside and inside. 

Front door is also the face of the house. It is the principle entrance called ‘SIMHADWARAM’, the lion entrance. The main door is the first thing which falls into notice when they enter into. So, utmost care must be taken to design the entrance because the positive energy from the outside is correlated to the entire house through main door ‘Simhadwaram’. The front door also relates to your relationship with the outside world.

The Front Door is considered as the Mouth of the ‘Vastu Purusha’ (the Protecting Deity). The mouth is the largest orifice in human body; hence the front door in a home should be large and inviting. If a shortcoming is noticed in the door, the immediate need is not to go for replacement right away. Instead, the remedy lies in giving an artful decorative treatment along the margin zone around the main frame to make it stand out and speak for itself as most prominent.

In Hindu Religion, ‘Simhadwaram’ is the dwelling place of ‘Lord Ganesha’, Godess ‘Lakshmi’ and Godess ‘Saraswati’. So the main door of your house must be accurately located to activate all the beneficial energies.

Few things to be considered during placement of door are:
Direction for Door Placement
Finding an appropriate place for the ‘Simhadwaram’ Main Door matters a lot to our life. To determine the exact location of the front door, you need to stand in front of your home and imaginary divide the portion into two parts and the center of the portion based on the direction of the plot. Each of the cardinal orientation has their own effects: North and West brings wealth in our life, East is all for good benefits and South resembles liberation. However, the experts recommend the East, West and North direction to be more beneficial for the dwellers.

1. North: North- facing door should be in the left half when facing the house that is more towards the North-East. Avoid placing a door in the right half (North-West). 
Reason: It’s preferable to have more openings in the North and East to allow the useful sunlight constantly, through the day. Since the door is opaque, it should be placed more to the center of the wall and windows should be kept in the North-East.

The door should not be at the corner of the walls, but a few feet away from the corner junction. 
Reason: It’s preferable to have more window openings towards the North and East to allow constant sunlight through the day. Since the door is opaque, it should be placed away from the N-E corner, more to the center. 

2. West: West facing door can be located in the left half when facing the house that is favoring the North-West. Avoid placing a door in the right half (South-West)
Reason: It’s preferable to have more window openings towards the North to allow constant sunlight through the day. It is best to avoid openings in the South-West since the Sun is in the South and West at midday and in the afternoon.

If a house has a main entrance in the West it should have a corresponding door in the East also. 
Reason: To allow maximum, useful UV rays found in the morning sunlight, into the house, since it is beneficial for health of the inmates. (Vitamin D synthesis) 

3. South: South facing main door must not be in the center of the building but should be in the right half when facing the house that is more towards the South-East. Avoid placing a door in the left half (South-West). 
Reason: It is always preferable to have few openings in the South-West as explained above, since the hot infra-red rays of the afternoon sunlight are projected, maximum towards this direction.

If a house has a main entrance in the South there should be one more corresponding to it in the North direction also. 
Reason: To allow the constant light from the North into the house. 

4. East: East facing door can be located in the right half when facing the house that is more to the North-East. Avoid placing a door in the left half (South-East). 

Reason: It’s preferable to have more openings in the North and East to allow the useful sunlight constantly, through the day. Since the door is opaque, it should be placed more to the center of the wall and windows should be kept in the North-East. 

Thus you can see in Vastu, there is no bad location for a main door. It’s the pseudo Vastu pundits who claim that South and West entrances are bad and the entrance door should only be in the North or East, because they take the Vastu Shastra guidelines too literally, since Vastu recommends more open space in the North and East to enable the pleasant morning light and constant North light to permeate the house, it makes sense to have the entrance from either of these directions. 

Other things that has to be considered during Main Door placement:

v   The view when the front door opens should be pleasant and inviting; similarly when you open the door to step out of the house, the view should be good and not overwhelmed by shadows of trees and creepers. Moreover, if the tree shadows fall or cut across the main door, it is considered inauspicious.

v   Main gate should never face intersecting roads. Make sure the main door of the house is larger than the other doors of the house.

v   It should be on the same or higher level than the street level.

v   The level of the main door should be higher than the approach way with the steps leading onto it should be odd in number.

v   Avoid main door facing abandoned, demolished or deserted building.

v   Avoid door directly facing the opposite house door.

v   The main door of the house should not be below ground.

v   It is best that a house has two entrances. The exit door should be smaller than the entrance, and it should have only one shutter. If there are two external doors for the house, they should not be set in a straight line.

v   Construct the main door placement in such a way that no shadows fall over it.

v   It is considered auspicious if the entrance door and the main door of the house are on the same side.

v     The door should not be at the corner of the walls, but a few feet away from the corner junction

v   The main entrance door to the house should be of high quality material preferably wood. Metal doors and frames should be avoided. If there is a crack in the main door or doorframe, it is considered inauspicious.

v   The width of the door should be half of the height of the door.

v   Do not have any water body under the main entrance door and there should be no bathroom/restroom over the front door.

v   Do not have a wall in front of the entrance door.

v   Avoid inauspicious pictures on the door.

v   The door should not be slanted, sliding or circular.

v   Avoid keeping garbage or dustbin near the entrance.

v   Shoes should not be kept in front of the door, but to the side. Keep the entrance clutter free and tidy to make the surrounding positive.

v   The main door should have a threshold. It is considered to avoid wealth loss.

v   If the door has cracks or is worn out due to age then the owner will have a tough time and loss of respect in society.

v   Doors should not be noisy, replace the hinges which make creaky sound.

v   The total number of doors and windows in the house should be even number for e.g. 2, 4, 6 etc. but should not end with a odd numbers i.e. 5, 7, 9, or 10, 20 etc.

v   Doors should not be placed in the center of the wall; they should always be off centered.

v   If the front door frame is painted black then the owner might have to face hardship.

v   Avoid the self-closing doors.

v   Ensure that the shutters of the doors open up towards the inside of the house. It should have two shutters opening inside and in clockwise direction.

v   Entrance of house should not face temple or any religious place.

v   Entrance should never be dark and ensure that this place is well lit throughout.

v   Main gate should never face intersecting roads.

v   There should not be any obstruction in the entrance gate with things like poles, tree, wires and vehicles.

v   Since the main objective of Vastu Shastra is to maximize the energy inside the house, it is recommended not to have arched doors and windows as they distort the energy flow.

v   For those who believe in Hindu religion, it is good to decorate a house’s entrance with pictures or statues of ‘Lakshmi’, ‘Ganesha’ or ‘Kubera’ and auspicious signs such as ‘OM’ or the ‘Swastika’. Many homes adapt symbols around the main door to ward off bad luck and usher in protection and good energy. The statue or image of the Indian Elephant-faced god known as ‘Ganesha’ is often found outside the house, above the main door, as this is said to bring in prosperity and progress as the Lord ‘Ganesha’ represents the merging of the small (man) with the great (elephant) and blends the microcosm with the macrocosm.


NORTH-EAST                10
EAST                                9
NORTH                            8
NORTH-WEST                7
SOUTH-EAST                 6
WEST                               5
SOUTH                             4
SOUTH WEST                 3

Bhargava S. Yadhupathi
Scientific Vastu Consultant & Astrologer

Friday, February 5, 2016


SimpleVastuLuck proposes
“Alone I can SPEAK
But Together We Can TALK

Alone I
Together We Can LAUGH.
Alone I Can ENJOY
Together We Can CELEBRATE,
That’s the Beauty of Togetherness”

‘United we stand, divided we fall’ (‘संगठन में शक्ति होती है’)

Please Note: The use of Figure ‘1’ (ONE) here symbolizes either of the Spouse (Husband or Wife)

  • 1-1=0 (One Minus One=Zero)
(One ‘MINUSES’ or ‘drains out’ another’s energy/potentials bringing the relationship to ZERO/ Mutually Destructive). The couple enters the autonomy stage (this is the stage where you are painfully aware of your differences, canceling each other out, invalidating the other’s point of view while defending your own, turning against each other i.e. 1-1=0). When this happens, you both feel empty, drained, vacant, and lifeless. At this point it is common for one or both people to declare, ‘I’d be better off alone!’ And it makes sense that you would feel that way, because a 1 (or even a 1/2) is more substantial than a 0!

·       1%1=1 (One Divides Another=Also ‘Zero’ but mathematically it’s 1)
(One ‘DIVIDES’ another which can bring the relationship to big ‘0’ / ZERO; Mutually Destructive; Depletion of Positive Energy, as already explained above).

  • 1X1=1 (Mathematically One Multiplied to One equals ONE but if couple is behaving for ‘cross’ purposes then the result is ‘ZERO’ again) (One ‘CROSSES’ another which can also bring the relationship to big ‘0’ / ZERO; Mutually Destructive).

The signs used ABOVE   ‘-’ (Minus); ‘X’ (Multiply/Cross); ‘%’ (Division) may depict some or all of the following traits in marital relationship:
v  Abusive Behavior and Dishonesty
v  Extramarital Affairs
v  Missing Sex Life
v  Dominance, Threats and Humiliation
v  Possessiveness/Over Expectations
v  Contempt, Insult and Criticism to put you down
v  Emotional Abuse/Denial and Blame
v  Avoiding and Ignorance
v  Jealous accusations/Comparisons
v  Yelling/Nagging
v  Physical Abuse, Violence, Pulling hair, pushing or other negative behavior
v  Selfishness and Resentment
v  Laziness
v  Insecurity  

  • 1+1=2 (One PLUS One equals TWO which means a Strengthening and Complimentary Relationship) 

The sign ‘+’ (PLUS) used here may depict some or all of the following traits in marital relationship:

ü   Respect Your Partner; Agree to Disagree
ü  Trust and Confidence
ü  Be Supportive, Friendly and Honest
ü  Respect Each Other’s Privacy
ü  Compromise and Compliment and SHARE
ü  Speak up/Communicate
ü  Selfless and Cool
ü  Freshness and Healthy Physical Intimacy
ü  Have Fun and Joy Together
ü  Fight Right: Fight well and to De-escalate Conflicts
ü  Cherish your partner
ü  Be Real and aware of each other’s strength and weaknesses
ü  Forgive  

‘EK AUR EK GYARAH HOTE HAI’ (‘एक और एक ग्यारह होते है’) in ‘Hindi’ language.

This relationship is MADE in HEAVEN with DIVINE BLESSINGS, that is, 1 & 1, the two individuals forgetting individual identity and removing all their personal differences enhancing each other’s positive energy and supplementing each other in every aspect of life making them inseparable with TWO BODIES AND ONE SOUL RESULTING IN A MAGIC FIGURE OF ‘11’ (ELEVEN) and on into ‘INFINITY’.

Description: C:\Users\t_syb\Documents\Web Templates -\Aristotle Quote_SVL.jpg


Bhargava S. Yadhupathi
Scientific Vastu Consultant & Astrologer

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


A happy married life is the dream of every person. It is an ironical fact that not everyone’s marriage goes the way they had planned. There might be several reasons but it can also be due to high influence of negative energies around you. Here are some tips:

ü  The couple’s bedroom should not be in the south-east direction as according to Vastu it is a place for Fire. It increases the conflicts and irritation. Ideally, the bedroom should be placed in the south-west corner of the house

ü  Paintings that symbolize death, quarrels, violence or any negative aspect of life are not permissible in the house.

ü  Knife and even scissors in the dining place or kitchen should always be kept covered. The pickles should be essentially covered as pickle display spreads sourness in relation also.

ü  The bedroom shape should be square or rectangular. Irregularly shaped bedrooms are not recommended.

ü  As for the color of the bedroom, green, light blue and rose pink are ideal ones. While light colors are preferable, avoid red.

ü  Single identity such as one bird, one butterfly, duck are not advisable. Prefer the pairs always.

ü  Avoid bringing any office work in the bedroom.

ü  Couples aspiring for children should never sleep in a north-east room. The strong magnetic energies act as a barrier. Also, make sure that the room does not have sharp colors or objects.

ü  Do not place any mirror in the bedroom. Television and computer are also prohibited in couple’s room. It is better to cover them with cloth at night.

ü  Analyze the position of gas and sink in the kitchen. One represents the Fire and other Water. Their wrong placement will add bitterness in the relations affecting relations in a family.

ü   In the room, the bed should be in the south-west portion, with the head-side in the south direction.

ü  Wooden beds should be preferred, as per Vastu.

ü  Many-a-times there occurs friction between family members. This is mainly because of the positioning of the gas stove and sink. While the gas stove represents agni (fire), the sink stands for water.

ü  Never sleep under the beam. It causes unnecessary pressure and is also detrimental to health.

Following these simple tips one can regain the spice and love in married life.

      Have a happy married life J

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Vastu Shastra: The Ten Commandments

 Vastu Shastra: The Ten Commandments

These fundamental principles apply to all buildings, public and residential.

The main water source or a water feature should be towards the North-East.

The Kitchen, generator room, furnace or boiler should be towards the South-East.

The guestroom, store or children's bedroom should be towards the North-West.

The master bedroom, CEO's office should be towards the South-West.

The center should be light and airy.

There should be more open space towards the North and East as compared to the South and West.

The South and West floor levels should be higher than the North and East.

The South and West boundary wall should be higher than the North and East walls.

The entrance is preferred from the North or East.

You should sleep with your head towards south and raise the head side by 3".

Thursday, December 3, 2015

You Can Enhance Your Personality through Vastu Shastra

You Can Enhance Your Personality through Vastu Shastra:
Vastu Shastra has strong influence on every aspect of human life. Let us understand how Vastu Shastra influences the personality aspect of human being as per the directions.
North-East is the place of WATER element that means due to flowing (moving) characteristics of water there is always development and progress. Abode of God provides smoothness to work, peace of mind and pleasant atmosphere to boost up performance and helps to improve knowledge. In addition, existence of living room and bathroom in North-East give strong base for success. In short, North-East gives success and progress.

When South-East of our house is balanced properly for placing FIRE element that means kitchen; it helps to accelerate the speed of success and progress. Because fire means energy which give rise to motion. This ultimately helps to achieve the objective or helps to reach our goal. Therefore, South-East gives completeness to success and progress.

South-West is a region of EARTH element. This means as per the principal of moment of inertia, higher the weight, higher is force required to move is from one place to another place. In other words, it develops an attribute of stability. (Not to move remain firm and unchanged). Stability gives rise to confidence, which helps to develop decision-making ability. This further makes you to implement the decision, which helps to develop leadership and domination attribute. Therefore, South-West is able to give us confidence, leadership decision making and dominating attribute.

North-West represents AIR element and it leads to disharmony and quarrels, which disturbs co-ordination and relationship. Similarly, waves of jealousy from near and dear ones affect the tolerance level and outmatch efficiency and productivity.

Now if we summarize above discussion, it means:
Ø  North-East is responsible for success
Ø  South-East gives acceleration to the progress
Ø  South-West develops confidence & leadership & ability to combat on the other hand
Ø  North-West improves harmony co-ordination & communication skills 
Ø  SKY/SPACE element offers maturity & ability of in-depth studies & analysis.

All these factors if we get, will definitely enhance our human personality.